I am currently a second-year Ph.D. student at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), under the supervision of Prof. Hong Xu. I received my BEng from Beihang University in 2023.

My research interests lie on federated learning and learning to optimize.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2023.08 - current

Beihang University, China

BEng in mechanical engineering (with honors) 2019.09 - 2023.06

GPA:3.82/4 Weighted Score:91.5/100


  1. Adaptive Coordinate-Wise Step Sizes for Quasi-Newton Methods: A Learning-to-Optimize Approach
    W Lin, Q Song,, H Xu
    arXiv preprint, 2024

  2. Towards Robust Learning to Optimize with Theoretical Guarante
    Q Song, W Lin, J Wang, H Xu
    IEEE/CVF CVPR, 2024

  3. Personalized Federated Learning with Auction-Based Client Selection and Edge-Enhanced Model Accuracy
    K Mo, X Li, W Lin, H Xu, Z Li, C Xue
    IEEE IJCNN, 2024

  4. Fed2Com: Towards Efficient Compression in Federated Learning
    Y Zhang*, W Lin*, S Chen, Q Song, J Lu, Y Shao, B Yu, H Xu
    IEEE ICNC, 2024

  5. Coordinated last-mile deliveries with trucks and drones: A comparative study of operational modes
    Y Ding, J Wan, W Lin, K WangJournal of the Air Transport Research Society, 2024

  6. Efficient network dismantling through genetic algorithms
    W Lin, S Wandelt, X Sun
    Soft Computing, 2021

  7. From random failures to targeted attacks in network dismantling
    S Wandelt, W Lin, X Sun
    Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2021


ENGG 1120E Linear Algebra for Engineers, CUHK, 2024

ENGG 2760 Probability for Engineers, CUHK, 2023

Data Management and Artificial Intelligence, BUAA, 2021

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, BUAA, 2020


2023-2027 Postgraduate Studentship, CUHK

2023 Excellent Graduate, BUAA

2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 Learning Excellent Scholarship, BUAA

2019-2020 Excellent Student, BUAA

2020-2021, 2021-2022 Merit student, BUAA

2020-2021, 2021-2022 Social Work Outstanding Scholarship, BUAA

2020-2021 Discipline Competition Scholarship, BUAA